See You at the Starting Line for St. Pat’s Run Fest 5k and 10k in DC

If you’ve fallen behind on your New Year’s Resolutions, look no further than the St. Pat’s Run Fest 5k and 10k in DC on March 15th to get you back on track. Whether you’d prefer one race, both, or the four-miler in Arlington the day before, there’s an option for runners at many different skill levels. You can register for one of the three races, or for a combination of these with a Double or Triple Challenge, which (unlike individual races) offer medals to finishers. If you’d rather celebrate from the sidelines, spectators can cheer on their favorite runners in the sea of green, too.
Onsite registration will not be available on the day of, so runners must register in advance for these races. The cost is raised as the event nears, so the sooner you sign up, the better deal you’ll receive. Be sure you’re interested before registration: no entry refunds are available, excepting active duty orders, and athlete to athlete transfers are not offered. Interested runners can sign up on the race website.