Need a V-Day Card Near 14W? Head to Copenhaver!

Old souls yearn for a particular sort of romance. They’re romantics who dream of an Old Hollywood romance, full of handwritten notes and longing looks. The old soul dreams of a passionate, glamorous, deeply rooted romance, a stark contrast to the drama and swipe-right, swipe-left sessions that dominate the modern-day dating scene.
If your partner is such an old soul, you might just find yourself worried about how to celebrate Valentine’s Day. After all, the holiday is often chastised for its vapid commercialization—the shiny red heart balloons and teddy bears craft a concept that goes against the hopes and dreams your old soul holds dear. Sure, they want you to show just how much you love them, but with something deeper, like the love letters of yore. For such a Valentine’s Day—or any occasion—letter your significant other is sure to cherish, a trip to Copenhaver, a stationery shop near your apartment in DC, is in order.
As one reviewer writes, “This place is a veritable bastion of gorgeous stationary! [sic]” And, truly, you’ll find all your stationery needs in this quaint, cultured shop. Find a classy card for your classy SO, or order some custom stationery to express your adoration in a more personal way. Stuck? Ask the staff—they’re truly experts in the handwritten arts. That expertise will make this Valentine’s Day one to remember!